library(sf) # vector manipulation
library(raster) # raster manipulation
library(fasterize) # "faster" raster
library(whitebox) # terrain analysis
library(osmdata) # OSM API
library(elevatr) # Elevation Web Tiles
This includes representations of the elevation grid, the river network, and building structures.
Basin = read_sf("")
Elevation_Data = elevatr::get_elev_raster(Basin,13) %>%
crop(Basin) %>%
elevation_feet = Elevation_Data * 3.281
writeRaster(elevation_feet,"../data/elev_raster_feet.tif", overwrite = TRUE)
Overwrite is used to not get multiple copies after each run.
Building = osmdata::add_osm_feature(opq(Basin),"building") %>%
Stream = osmdata::add_osm_feature(opq(Basin),"waterway","stream") %>% osmdata_sf()
Centroid = st_centroid(Building$osm_polygons) %>%
Railroad = dplyr::filter(Centroid, amenity=="railway")
Rivers = st_intersection(Stream$osm_lines,Basin)
wbt_hillshade("../data/elev_raster_feet.tif", "../data/terrian-near-flood-hillshade.tif")
Hillshade = raster("../data/terrian-near-flood-hillshade.tif")
plot(Hillshade, col= gray.colors(256, alpha = .5), legend=FALSE)
Had to read in raster using
River = st_transform(Rivers,5070) %>%
st_buffer(10) %>%
st_transform(crs(elevation_feet)) %>%
fasterize::fasterize(elevation_feet) %>%
writeRaster("../data/River.tif", overwrite=TRUE) #Saved raster
wbt_breach_depressions("../data/elev_raster_feet.tif", "../data/breach_depressions.tif")
wbt_elevation_above_stream("../data/breach_depressions.tif","../data/River.tif", "../data/Elevation_above_stream.tif")
Hand_raster = raster("../data/Elevation_above_stream.tif")+3.69
Read in raster for HAND & add the offset (3.69) to the entire HAND raster
River_raster = raster("../data/River.tif")
read in raster for River
Hand_raster[River_raster == 1] = 0
Ensured that if the cell has a value of 1 in the river raster then its HAND value is set to 0.
writeRaster(Hand_raster,"../data/Corrected_tif.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
Saved the new, offset raster to data folder
Flood2017 = raster("../data/Corrected_tif.tif")
Flood2017_map = Flood2017
Read in the corrected HAND raster
Flood2017_map[Flood2017_map >= 10.02] = NA
Created a flood map where any cell with a HAND value greater then 10.02 is set to NA.
cols = ifelse(!, Centroid)), "red", "black")
Colored impacted buildings
Plotted my hillshade, this time with a title using main
and inputted data into your title with paste0
Plotted flood map and building shapes with their geometries
Plotted the railway station as a point of reference colored in green, with cex = 1, pch = 16, and added the basin outline.
plot(Hillshade, col= gray.colors(256, alpha = .5), legend=FALSE, main = paste0(sum(cols == "red"), " impacted buildings, 10.02 foot stage"))
plot(Flood2017_map, col= rev(blues9), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE)
plot(Centroid$geometry, add = TRUE, col = cols, pch = 16, cex=.08)
plot(Railroad$geometry, col= "green", cex=1, pch=16, add = TRUE)
plot(Basin$geometry, add = TRUE, border = "black")
sb = AOI::aoi_get("Santa Barbara")
gif_flood = crop(Flood2017, sb) # cropping by comparing raster to vector
basin_clip = st_intersection(Basin, sb) # cropping by comparing vector to vector
hill_crop = crop(Hillshade, sb)
for(i in 0:20) {
tmp = gif_flood
tmp[tmp >= i] = NA
cols = ifelse(!, Centroid)), "red", "black")
plot(hill_crop, col= gray.colors(256, alpha = .5), legend=FALSE, main = paste0(sum(cols == "red"), " impacted buildings, ", i, " foot stage"))
plot(tmp, col= rev(blues9), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE)
plot(Centroid$geometry, add = TRUE, col = cols, pch = 16, cex=.08)
plot(Railroad$geometry, col= "green", cex=1, pch=16, add = TRUE)
plot(basin_clip$geometry, add = TRUE, border = "black")
}, gif_file = "../data/mission-creek-fim.gif",
width = 600, height = 600,
delay = .7, loop = TRUE)
Because certain buildings on this map are so close to the river, remote sensing itslef isn’t at the ability yet to capture this small of a difference between these specific buildings and the rivers nearby and because of this, Rstudios is also not able to then show this as well.